General Information:
I am NOT currently accepting any emails for review copies at the moment! But when I do, I mainly accept fiction, young adult, or children’s books for review.
Usually, I accept ARCs, finished copies, and e-books for review consideration. If the book is a part of a series, then I may need the previous books. E-books can be sent directly through Amazon as a gift (same email as above), or directly through email. I do not accept audiobooks because I am new to audiobooks, and just not confident in the fact that I’ll actually listen to them. Or pay attention to them. Sorry 😛
I rarely accept self-published books or indie press books, but feel free to send me an email.
Reviews will be posted on this blog and on Goodreads, once I’m done with the book. Due to my college course load, I usually post reviews within three weeks, unless otherwise noted.
All reviews will be formatted like my previous reviews. They are honest, fair reviews that focus on my thoughts about how the book was. This means that I may have a different opinion than another reader. This involves explaining why the book did not work for, or what did work for me. This is not a literary critique.
If I end up not finishing the book, I will explain why, what page I left off, and if I will pick it up again. However, I do strive to finish books given to me for review.
Basic Structure for all Reviews:
- Cover art
- Book stats: Title, author, publisher, page count, release date, series status
- Where I received the book
- A summary (From Goodreads)
- My Review and Thoughts
- Star rating
I am also happy to host giveaways! Just email me all the criteria and information that’s needed, like the title of the book, author, format, shipping requirements, etc.
I am also happy to host authors, but I’ve never done it before. If you decide you want me to host you, whether its an interview or guest post, feel free to email me.
Thanks For Reading!

Hi hi! I’m Val, and welcome to The Innocent Smiley, a book blog that features young adult, contemporary, adult fiction, and lots of fantasy!All my reviews, discussions, randomness, and other little things will be posted here!
Along with being a huge book nerd, I am also obsessed with video games!
Also, I love making new bloggy friends, so feel free to chat with me on Twitter, Goodreads, or even email. All of my contact info is in the About Me section.

Currently Reading

✰✰✰✰✰ – AMAZING AMAZING gush gush gush SO GOOD
✰✰✰✰ – Wow. This is one hell of a good book. Recommend to everyone
✰✰✰ – I simply liked it. Not bad but not exceptionally good either
✰✰ – I tolerate it
✰ – It couldn’t have been any worse, truthfully
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